Next appointment (with the doctor) is February 3rd and Kent was instructed to continue what he has been doing until then. It's possible there will be a new CT Scan at the next appointment and hopefully more information on what happened and what is next.
You can see in the following photos that the swelling is slowly going down, but isn't completely gone, and his hair is quickly growing back.

Recovery is going slowly, but he continues to make small improvements each day. He is walking to the mailbox most mornings and it's good for him to move around and work on getting his strength back. He feels better in the morning and tends to "run down" by mid-afternoon.
His speech continues to improve, but is considerably better early in the day and becomes more slurred as the day wears on. Like his speech, Kent continues to have some difficulty concentrating and doing day-to-day tasks. When he is rested, he doesn't exhibit any weakness on his left side. When he gets tired, he might not be able to hold a utensil to feed himself.
His recovery could be slow, with "one step forward and two steps back" some days. A Neurologist friend (who is not Kent's doctor) said that someone who has experienced what Kent has gone through could take up to two years to recover.
Keep the prayer circle going for Kent's continued improvement.