Saturday, February 26, 2011

Look Out! ... He's Back on the Road

Kent had his follow-up appointment on Thursday (2/24), and things are looking pretty good. The doctor feels he is healing, but remains concerned about the sutures closing up properly on the top of his head. He will check it again on March 17th at the next appointment.

Kent still has swelling on the right side of his face and this should decrease as scar tissue breaks down over time. His overall progress is where he should be (at this point) and some slurred speech, and the other symptoms he experiences when he begins to get tired, are to be expected. Kent is not to climb ladders, ride his bike or do anything that could result in a fall, but he should continue building his strength, little by little.

Look out on the roadways, he has been cleared to drive short distances - but only to very familiar places. He can also go up and down the stairs and even do a little yard work, as long as someone is with him at all times, while doing these activities, and he stops as soon as he begins to feel tired or dizzy.

It's a long road back to health, but his CT Scan looked good and they didn't see anything to worry about. More news on the 17th ...

Recent photo of Kent and Mary at Memphis' birthday outing to the Wildlife Park.

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